CDDA Disc Dog Trials
POSTPONED!!! See bottom of page for more information
July 25th & July 26th, 2009
Two Separate CDDA Disc Dog Trials (pending sanctioning)
Sign in and registration 9 am each day
Competition 10 am - 5 pm each day
This trial will run in accordance with CDDA rules and regulations
Our judge for both trials is Tiffany Salmon
Official Event Photographer Len Silvester TTL Photography
Registration will open once the trial is officially sanctioned which will hopefully be within the next week or so.
The nitty gritty while you wait:
Official Classes:
Retrieval Proficiency Test
Novice/Advanced Toss/Fetch
Mini Dog Novice/Advanced Toss/Fetch
Junior Toss/Fetch
Novice Freestyle
Furthest Catch
FABULOUS Placement Prizes in all Divisions!
Specialty Awards!
Frenzied Fetcher Trophy and Special Award will go to the weekend's Highest Pointed Dog in Toss/Fetch
Frenzied Freestyler Trophy and Special Award will go to the weekend's Most Creative Freestyle Team
Special Junior Handler Awards!
The Best Raffle Table Ever!
At the conclusion of the competition each day the 50 foot dog pool will be open for some recreational dock jumping for the dogs to cool off! The dock jumping will be limited and by pre registration only.
Utopia Soccer Pitch
10 minutes off hwy 400/innisfil beach road exit
This idyllic setting provides unlimited shade trees, bleachers, plenty of parking, crating and tenting right beside competition field. The competition field is over 350 feet long of beautiful turf!
Link To Barrie Disc Dog & Dock Club

"Our new disc dog & dock club has been busier than we anticipated.
Since hosting a trial is so time consuming we have postponed the
July 25th and July 26th Disc Dog Trials to September.
Same great trials, just a different date :-)
All details will be announced shortly!"
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